Vigorous Life Wellness to Stand with ALS.

  • Dream it.

    I had dream since my 20s to have a website with a group of like-minded individuals and supporters who want to live a healthier life with more energy, longevity, and purpose. I am so excited that you are here to help me build this community. A dream that is becoming reality and so happy that you are part of it. Thank you!

  • Practice it.

    Wellness and healthy lifestyle does not happen overnight. Whether you are just starting to look for better ways to be healthy or you are a pro, it takes practice: every day, ever hour, every thought. Let’s practice together and support each other as we grow. We are stronger together. Please join me and my friends to get better and healthier every day.

  • Support it.

    As many of you know, my Dad has been diagnosed with a devastating disease ALS. What if there was a way we can together find ways to prevent it or reverse it? I would like to dedicate this movement to him and all other patients suffering with this neuromuscular disease. Thank you for your support! This means a lot that you are here.

Lifestyle Journey

What if we could change the outcome of newly diagnosed ALS or could get ahead the disease?

To help ALS research, I will donate part of my earnings monthly toward research. Will you help me?

I would like to invite you to follow lifestyle choices, ideas, products that I share here.

Let’s empower your inner wellness while supporting a good cause by giving back to medical research.

*ALS, also called Lou Gehrig’s disease, stands for myopic lateral sclerosis. This neurological disease breaking down muscles debilitating daily physical functions. There is no cure yet, only options to manage the condition. Join me to support research for ALS.